Touching Something Hot

Touching Something Hot

Daydream Let yourself take a journey in time. Follow your thoughts as they drift back to when you were a small child. You are in the kitchen watching a loved one cooking dinner. Take a moment to recall the details. The ingredient prep, the sounds, the smells—all the...
Causing Emotional Damage

Causing Emotional Damage

When you feel the burning of your skin, you know you need to stop touching a hot stove. Your pain signals you to pull back. Yet, with some conditioning, you can push through and control your physical pain. This control allows you to continue to touch a hot stove even...
Active and Passive Holding of Energy

Active and Passive Holding of Energy

Nowadays, body and energy blocks are common terms. A little education regarding what blocks are and how they impact your life can go a long way towards supporting a strong and consistent wellness practice. To begin, it helps to know what free flow energy this. This is...