I Hold My Breath When…

I Take that First Step

To become a fully qualified astronaut, it can take up to two years of training. Only then can you take that first step, next leap, and return home.

In addition to all that training, the International Space Station pre-breathe protocol involves breathing pure oxygen for a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes and includes a short period of high-intensity exercise at the beginning of the pre-breathe procedure.

Did You Know

Often in your life, you face a challenge that could be supported by a simple change in your breath. Learning the importance of these shifts can be life-changing.

Imagine how different life would be if you were trained to breathe properly for your work, your play, and your state of rest. It could make a world of difference in your health and your experience of life.

Change in Breath

This video share was recorded live on Instagram.

Breath Work

Enjoy the shared exercises, methods, articles, and breath work support. We welcome every contribution!

Wanderer’s Handbook Contribution

Creating a personal wellness practice can be an excellent first step. Establishing Your Practice course can help save you time and energy.

Higher Learning

Article found in Royal Society of Chemistry, By Nina NotmanCatherine Smith, 12 December 2018

How Do Astronauts Breathe?

“We electrolyze water to split it open to hydrogen and oxygen” 

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